Practice Makes Perfect - Hopefully
I’ve determined that I need to practice around the greens if I’m to consistently shoot in the 70s. A couple of statistics gathered from The Grint confirmed my suspicions as I haven’t made a single putt outside of 5ft in three rounds. According to The Grint, from 5ft I only make 50% of my putts. To confirm I spent about an hour on the putting green testing myself from 6ft and the results were depressing. Giving myself the same shot 18 times (lining up as if I were playing) I only managed to make 61% of the putts, suggesting I am unable to put a ball on its intended line. I then tested myself from the same distance uphill left-to-right making 50%, and right to left only making 22% of putts! Going downhill from the same distance I could barely make anything, with only 11% of downhill left-to-right putts dropping for me and 17% of right to left putts dropping for me.
I don’t yet have a training schedule but for the time being I think reps is going to be the best way for me to practice. My plan is to simply put in work, possibly replacing some playing time for practice time. Realistically I’ll be able to practice putting about two hours a week, play on the weekend, and still keep my job and workout schedule. I can also use this as an opportunity to do a bunch of putting and chipping with my kids. My plan is to test myself each month and update my progress.
6ft | April |
Uphill - Straight | 61% |
Uphill - Left to right | 50% |
Uphill - Right to left | 22% |
Downhill - Left to right | 11% |
Downhill - Right to left | 17% |