Vancouver Weather Analysis: Umbrella Days per Year
From fall to spring Vancouver receives upwards of 1000 mm of precipitation on average and is a legitimately gloomy place to live from October to March. Mercifully, since the bulk of our rain falls between fall and spring, our summers (usually) cannot be beat with often little rain and relatively temperate weather.
All of this rain translates to about 185 days per year with precipitation. In other words we carry an umbrella for half the year. Especially in November. November sucks.
This analysis counts any precipitation as rain. In general this is fair since at lower elevation the snow tends to be wet and miserable anyhow. In fact, I think Vancouver needs a better word for rain. Perhaps a word from another language that translates to abject misery?
Data Sources
Weather is collected from the Government of Canada historical weather and climate website. The data collected for this analysis was from the Vancouver Harbor Weather Station, aggregated at daily grain from Jan 1st, 2000.