Vancouver Weather Analysis: BBQ Days per Year
It rains a lot in Vancouver. And while your beach-going days will be numbered and cherished there are a surprising number of barbeque days thanks to temperate climate. In fact, since 2000 there have been an average of 112 days per year you can comfortably grill a dead animal outside.
This analysis calculates a barbeque day as a day at or above 15C without rain. These light jacket days define the Northwest, Vancouver in particular. The number of days in this temperate range are also consistent from year to year with 2015 being the only exceptional year.
With so many barbeque days per year, it works out to about 19 weekends per year on average that you can count on decent barbequing weather.
Data Sources
Weather is collected from the Government of Canada historical weather and climate website. The data collected for this analysis was from the Vancouver Harbor Weather Station, aggregated at daily grain from Jan 1st, 2000.