My Daily Coffee Obsession: The Routine

My coffee obsession has taken a sharp turn toward addiction. And I’m OK with that I think. It’s my morning routine and it goes something like this:

  1. Grind beans from local roaster with Haribo burr grinder.
  2. Three heaping tablespoons of coffee into espro press.
  3. Water in kettle to 200C.
  4. Slowly fill espro press until just covering the beans. Allow grinds to bloom (about 30 seconds).
  5. Fill up the rest of espro press.
  6. Have Alexa set an alarm for 4 minutes.
  7. Plunge filter and pour.

The process takes about 10 minutes in total. If I continue this routine for the rest of my life, that’s about 116 days out of the next 16,700 that I’ll happily spend making my daily bean juice.