My Daily Coffee Obsession: The Routine
Written by
Michael Rood
My coffee obsession has taken a sharp turn toward addiction. And I’m OK with that I think. It’s my morning routine and it goes something like this:
- Grind beans from local roaster with Haribo burr grinder.
- Three heaping tablespoons of coffee into espro press.
- Water in kettle to 200C.
- Slowly fill espro press until just covering the beans. Allow grinds to bloom (about 30 seconds).
- Fill up the rest of espro press.
- Have Alexa set an alarm for 4 minutes.
- Plunge filter and pour.
The process takes about 10 minutes in total. If I continue this routine for the rest of my life, that’s about 116 days out of the next 16,700 that I’ll happily spend making my daily bean juice.