Things I will miss about England

The time is fast approaching: in less than three weeks, I’ll be picking up my life in Oxford and moving back to the New World. After all my agony and misery and kvetching about life in England at the outset, I’ve quietly come to love it. People often ask me what I’ll miss about England, with that special wry English undertone that seems to smirkingly say, ‘if anything.’ Well England, there are a lot of things I’ll miss and none of them particularly more than others. Today, on the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, I’ll celebrate this charming country by listing a few of the things that I won’t be able to replace when I return to my own glorious land.

Things I will miss about Oxford:

Things I will miss about England:

There you have it, my dear English friends. I’ve fallen in love with your funny little island and I will be heartbroken to leave. It’s been a lovely visit - thanks for having me!